Clanwilliam Court
Gross Floor Area
Hibernia REIT
Located at the south eastern edge of the city on the Grand Canal, Clanwilliam Court is a significant redevelopment opportunity in this particular part of Dublin. The location is prominent within the immediate and wider city context as a corner site at a gateway to the city from the inner suburbs, with significant frontage to the linear amenity space of the Grand Canal and at the entrance to the Georgian core.
The design concept is to create a striking and contemporary building which takes full advantage of the prominence of the site and enhances the urban setting, while simultaneously enriching and extending the public realm at the ground floor with active frontages and public uses.
The form of the proposed building is a perimeter arrangement which encloses an external landscaped area while also regenerating a significant portion of the overall city block which addresses Clanwilliam Place, Lower Mount Street, Lower Grand Canal Street and Love Lane. The articulation of the proposal is a coherent and considered response to the various urban conditions presented by the context.
Planning 2019
c. 21,786 sqm